We are SFS Proud of our Ponies and Fillies!
Saint Francis School offers a Girls’ Basketball Program and a Boys’ Basketball Program. Students in grades 3 through 8 are eligible to participate. The season begins in late November and continues through February. Students may also participate in additional sports though our co-op agreement with the Clearfield Area School District. (More information below.)
St. Francis School is a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) and abides by all PIAA state regulations.
Our student-athletes are encouraged to maintain their academic standards throughout the school year, but especially during their sports season. The following policy applies to student-athletes in all grades. It also applies to those St. Francis students who are playing sports through the Clearfield public school.
- If a student has one D (69-75%), they are still eligible; however, the teacher should let the student and the Athletic Director know that the student is at risk of becoming ineligible.
- If a student has two D’s or any E’s, they are ineligible. Ineligibility will start on the next day after the student is found to be ineligible. It is not fair to the coaches or parents if a student is pulled out of a game on that day, especially when travel arrangements have been made.
- A student will be deemed eligible to play again when the teacher of the subject in question reports that his/her grades are no longer below the eligibility threshold. It is up to the teacher to check eligibility in a timely manner; however, the student cannot expect the teacher to immediately check tests and adjust his/her grade. A student is granted a day’s notice when they are ineligible, and so it is reasonable to also allow a day’s time for a teacher to determine when a student is eligible again.
At all times, the Athletic Director should be kept informed of any students who are ineligible.

Co-op Sports
As a PIAA school, we have a cooperative agreement with the Clearfield Area School District that allows our seventh and eighth grade students the opportunity to participate in sports at Clearfield while still attending St. Francis. Bussing to and from practices and games is provided for these students.
SFS students can participate in: Football, Wrestling, Cross country, Track, Volleyball, Baseball, and Soccer. In any basketball season, if SFS does not have enough players to have our own team, our interested students may co-op with Clearfield for basketball also.
Attention Parents of 7th & 8th Grade Athletes:
Before your child can play, you must print out and complete the PIAA Physical Evaluation form. Please note that part of the form must be completed by your child’s physician. All physical forms must be on file prior to the start of the first official practice.
Becky Kelly, Athletic Director
St. Francis School
230 S. 2nd Street
Clearfield PA 16830
814-765- 2618