Fundraising Events

St. Francis School hosts several annual fundraisers that are enjoyed by the entire community! Keep up to date on upcoming events by following St. Francis School, Clearfield on Facebook or st.francisponies on Instagram.

Donate Now

Follow the button below to make a donation online.

St. Patrick's Day Bazaar

Join us on Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 11 until 3 for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Bazaar. All of your favorite features are back, including the money raffles, theme baskets, and Chinese Auction. We will have plenty of games for the kids, and local craft vendors will have their items for sale. All of our delicious food will be available, and be sure to check out the incredible bake sale too!

Get your ticket for the $10,000 grand prize! Only 250 tickets are sold, and they are often sold out before the event even begins! Buy your ticket online at this link:


Craft Vendors: Apply and pay online for your spot at this link:

or click here for a printable version: 2025 Vendor application – St. Pats

Contact the school at 814-765-2618 or email  for more information.

View our Facebook event:



Fall Festival

Our 2024 Fall Festival is scheduled for Sunday, November 10, 2024.  The festival features many raffles and prizes, games for the kids, and delicious food too! Local crafters and vendors set up to sell their handmade items at the festival. The grand prize of the day is our $10,000 giveaway. Only 250 total tickets are sold, and the first ticket drawn wins $10,000. Then, five more tickets are drawn and they each win $500. Tickets can be purchased at the school or St. Francis Church offices. Call 765-2618 for more information.

Please check back here closer to the event for links for vendors and to purchase raffle tickets. You can also watch our Facebook page, St. Francis School, Clearfield

Fall Festival 2024 Vendor form

View our event page:


Open House & Turkey Dinner

Sunday, Jan. 26th from 11-2

To kick off Catholic Schools Week each year, we hold an Open House for anyone interested in St. Francis School.  Our current school parents and teachers are on hand to give private tours of the school and answer any questions.  This event is open to families with children of all ages, even if your child is too young to start school. We have a “Future Families” program that offers benefits for students who aren’t yet school age.

Although our open house is held on a Sunday we want to show prospective families a school that is alive and busy! So during the open house, we also host a turkey dinner fundraiser which is available for everyone. (click here for details : )  Also, our Knights of Columbus is hosting a Hoop Shoot in our gym starting at noon. Come and enjoy these events and see what makes St. Francis School such a special place to learn and grow.

Francis' Favorite Pets Contest

Each year, to honor our patron St. Francis of Assisi, the school hosts a pet contest. We also collect money and pet supplies for the SPCA.

A special blessing of the animals will be held on Friday, October 4th @ 5:30 PM in the church parking lot. Everyone is invited to bring their pet for this!


Kindergarten Registration & Preschool Visitation

Kindergarten Registration:
All children coming to Kindergarten next fall should attend registration, even if they are already students at SFS preschool. There will be health and readiness screenings done at this time. You may stop in anytime between 9:00 AM and noon. The screenings should only take about 20 minutes.
Preschool 3 & PreK-4 Open House Visitation Day:
SFS offers preschool classes for three and four year old students, with options to attend three or five days per week. There will be an open visitation time from 9:00 am until noon on Feb. 18th for anyone interested in preschool classes. You are welcome to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and learn more about our amazing preschool program!

Food Truck Festivals

Our Food Truck Festivals are held on the second Monday of the month in May, September, and October. The line-up of trucks varies each month.
Watch our Facebook page for details when the festivals begin again in May, 2025!

Join us for delicious food and community fellowship!

Click here to view our past Food Truck Festival event page for more details:


Summer Fun and Cabin Fever Paddle Party (Quarter Auction)

Each year, we host two paddle parties – Cabin Fever in January and Summer Fun in July. These events are for adults and offer a fun night of food, drinks and prizes!

What’s a paddle party?  We have about 50 great prizes, valued between $25 to $50 each, including gift cards, theme baskets, lottery tickets, and more. Each prize is held up, and if you want to win it, you put a quarter in the pot and hold up your paddle. If your paddle number is called,  you win! It’s that simple and fun!

Our Cabin Fever Paddle Party will be held on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025 @ 7:00 pm.

Click here to view our Cabin Fever event page for more details or to buy tickets:

Summer Fun Paddle Party will be held  in July, 2025 (date TBD)  Please watch the school’s Facebook page for details.


PTO Fundraisers

Our PTO provides many educational and fun activities for our students and supports our teachers to help them provide the very best for their classes. To secure the funding for this, the PTO raises money through several events.

SFS Golf Tournament

PTO Officers

Our 2023/2024 PTO officers:  Erin Catherman, Vice-President; Shannon Kelly, President; Julee Welker, Treasurer.  Missing from photo:  Jamie Roos, Secretary

Pony Trot 5K Walk/Run

Save the date:  May 4, 2024 for our Star Wars themed 5K! 

– or –
Print a registration form here: 2024 registration form
Join us for this family-friendly 5K around Clearfield. Registration is from 7–8 AM and the race begins at 8:30. Everyone is welcome – from serious runners to families with strollers! Register early by April 19th to get a t-shirt and discount.
$20 – Early registration w/ t-shirt (Closes 4/19/24)
$15 – Early registration, no t-shirt
$55 – Early family registration, includes shirt for each family member (Closes 4/19/24)
$20 – Late or Day of race registration, no t-shirt included
$55 – Late or Day of race family registration, no t-shirts included
$15 – T-shirt only (must request by 4/19)
**The soft, tri-blend t-shirts are available for an additional $3 charge each
Business owners: Be a sponsor and add your business name to the back of our t-shirts. Contact the school for details. 814-765-2618 or
SFS Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament

This year’s golf tournament will be held at the Clearfield Curwensville Country Club on May 31, 2024.  This fun event raises a large portion of the PTO’s budget each year.

Registration for foursomes is $400 and includes a meal after the tournament. Click here for details and the registration form: Team Registration form 2024

Sponsorships are available for local businesses at many levels. Click here for details: Sponsor Options – Golf 2024

Take part in our Big Golf Raffle! Visit our event on Facebook: 

Mother Son Dance

The theme of our 2025 Mother & Son Dance is… “LET’S GLOW!”
Join us at St. Francis School in Clearfield on February 16th from 5:30 – 7:30 PM SFS PTO will provide a selection of glow accessories, but guests are also encouraged to bring and wear accessories of your own! Mad Maxx photo booth will be set up, and your ticket includes one strip of photos. (Additional photos are available for $5 per strip) Refreshments will be provided, and there will also be raffle baskets to win!
Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. One ticket admits a mother and her son(s). Grandmothers and mother figures are also welcome!
Purchase tickets in advance from the St. Francis School office, St. Francis Church rectory, or Shaw Public Library. You can also purchase tickets online using this link:…/mother-son-dance-2025-lets-glow
Contact Julee for questions: 814-577-6719
Check out our event page on Facebook: