Living Our Faith
As a Catholic school, we believe in educating the entire person: body, mind, and soul. We want our students to grow into adults who will live out the mission of Jesus and promote peace and love in our world. We start and end every day with prayer. All students have daily classes in Religion, and weekly Mass is an important part of our religious formation. There are visible signs throughout the school promoting good character and kindness to others.

Faith Formation
As a Catholic school, we are privileged to be able to incorporate faith into our daily instruction. While we do teach the Catholic faith in particular, we are respectful of the fact that one-third of our students are not Catholic. All students participate in all Religious activities and instruction, but we do not distinguish Catholic or non-Catholic among the students. We are all Christians, and the more we learn about our faith and our God, the more we realize that we are all God’s special children.
All students in Kindergarten through grade eight attend Mass on a weekly basis. This is usually on Friday; however, the day may change on occasion so that the children can attend Mass for a holy day or special occasion. A Mass schedule is sent home at the beginning of the year. Parents, family members and friends are encouraged to attend all of our school Masses and prayer services throughout the year.
Classes take turns in participating in the ministries at our school Masses by serving as lectors, gift bearers, altar servers and choir members. Parents are notified by the classroom teacher when their child’s class will be leading the Mass.